Wednesday, 6 November 2013

WK3 Machine Embroidery

In this weeks workshop we were introduced to Pin Tuck feet; no.30,31,32, a Sword needle, and dissolvable muslin. This week I concentrated on experimenting with techniques, making whole fabrics and also improving previous samples. 

I used the tufter a lot this week on wool flannel to create the short dotted lines by cutting down the wool. To improve and further develop this technique I'd like to make a whole fabric in a checkered/overlapped style using a mix of 2 different coloured wools.

I enojoyed using dissolvable muslin and creating a unique fabric from simple stitch. In this sample I used a thicker wool thread in the bobbin which added more of a thicker body to the fabric, and then used a running stitch with white and black thread to secure the lines together. The problem I find with this sample is that the black over the top dominates the sample, which makes it quite dark and harder to see the delicate lines.

This week, although still reffering to my drawings and primary research drawings, I strugged with shape in my samples using the newer techniques, therefore I became more linear concentrating on the delicacy of line quality and making whole fabrics.