have now finished my final collection, branding for Fendi. I have enjoyed the
live brief as it encouraged me to gain insight into the industry and how to
design for specific companies. Overall I am slightly disappointed with my final
collection. I feel my research and visual work such as Bauhaus inspiration and
drawings in my sketchbook are successful, yet really struggled to bring through
the same styles and shapes through to my knits. I found it hard designing for
the brand due to the fact it is so well established, and wasn’t quick to make
decisions on which direction to take my collection ( e.g. fur, geometry,
feminine & subtle, bold & bright.) As a whole my collection of samples
reflect different elements of my research, and I am pleased with techniques that
I used, such as holding check and plaiting. I would have liked to push the
organza and foil samples further by experimenting with different shapes and
bolder colours. I am pleased with my yarn choice, using mercerised cotton gave
my collection the strongest outcome due to the variation of colour, and
similarly the 2/16 yarns are finer, which reflect a S/S collection. I was
disappointed I couldn’t get onto a finer Dubied machine in order to make my
samples more lightweight. I see my collection for Fendi in blocks/panels on
garments in typical Fendi style.
I initially found it difficult working
on two projects at the same time, but found I could organise my time by making
lists and applying myself to areas of each project that needed attention. I have
really enjoyed the challenge of working in two very different styles as one
project has helped the other in certain ways, it has pushed me to be more
experimental and resulted in myself gaining confidence with techniques. For example
I used a lot of plaiting techniques within Fendi, I have now pushed this
forward in self-initiated by plaiting with inlay.